It's A Sandwich
The Floor Sandwich The flooring system I'm installing (not quite done yet) is a sandwich of materials. The bottom or outside layer is 0.025" 5052H32 sheet aluminum. This sits directly on the steel trailer frame which is coated with POR15 which I'm counting on to moderate any galvanic corrosion between the steel and aluminum. The 5052H32 is fastened to the frame with 1/8" stainless steel closed-end pop rivets spaced around the outside edge about every 12". The closed-end rivet will prevent water from entering through the typical mandrel hole in the pop rivet. There are three 48" wide aluminum sheets laid "east-west" (north being forward) and they overlap by about 3". Where they overlap I used a double bead of Sikaflex 221 sealant-adhesive, then I fastened the sheets together with 1/8" closed-end pop rivets. Above each frame, on top of the aluminum, I laid down 1 1/8"tall x 1.5" wide kiln dried fir (ripped from 2x4 lumber). Th...