Hot Air
The Boles originally had a propane floor furnace - basically a grate in the center of the floor with an open burner below it that was also open to the outside. I guess the heat would rise and the CO2 would exit down when the furnace was burning. It was also an excellent door for field mice. It was pretty beat up because it was the low point for the trailer and caught on things. When I got the trailer it was mostly peeled off. Obviously it needed to be replaced. I don't really plan any really cold weather camping so something to keep the trailer reasonably warm in the morning and evening in the spring and fall is all I think I'll need. I searched around and found that the Propex HS2000 is a popular unit in the van community. It's small, burns clean and the blower is very efficient. Another attractive feature is that the combustion gases enter and vent down through the floor so I wouldn't need to cut a hole in the side of the trailer. The unit is so popular that I neede...